
Grid Layout Center 정렬하기

푸쿠이 2022. 4. 21. 14:28

원래는 Grid Layout Center를 사용하면 차곡차곡 정렬이 되는데,

Center를 중심으로 정렬하려면 요것을 쓰면 된다.


오브젝트에 Grid Layout Group 추가하듯이, Grid Layout Group Center 추가해서 사용하면 된다.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

/// <summary>
/// 참고 문서.
/// https://forum.unity.com/threads/arrange-ui-elements-with-auto-centering-grid-layout-group.669127/
/// </summary>

[AddComponentMenu("Grid Layout Group Center")]
public class GridLayoutGroupCenter : UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup
    public override void SetLayoutHorizontal()

    public override void SetLayoutVertical()

    private void SetCellsAlongAxis(int axis)
        // Normally a Layout Controller should only set horizontal values when invoked for the horizontal axis
        // and only vertical values when invoked for the vertical axis.
        // However, in this case we set both the horizontal and vertical position when invoked for the vertical axis.
        // Since we only set the horizontal position and not the size, it shouldn't affect children's layout,
        // and thus shouldn't break the rule that all horizontal layout must be calculated before all vertical layout.
        var rectChildrenCount = rectChildren.Count;
        if (axis == 0)
            // Only set the sizes when invoked for horizontal axis, not the positions.

            for (int i = 0; i < rectChildrenCount; i++)
                RectTransform rect = rectChildren[i];

                m_Tracker.Add(this, rect,
                    DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors |
                    DrivenTransformProperties.AnchoredPosition |

                rect.anchorMin = Vector2.up;
                rect.anchorMax = Vector2.up;
                rect.sizeDelta = cellSize;

        float width = rectTransform.rect.size.x;
        float height = rectTransform.rect.size.y;

        int cellCountX = 1;
        int cellCountY = 1;
        if (m_Constraint == Constraint.FixedColumnCount)
            cellCountX = m_ConstraintCount;

            if (rectChildrenCount > cellCountX)
                cellCountY = rectChildrenCount / cellCountX + (rectChildrenCount % cellCountX > 0 ? 1 : 0);
        else if (m_Constraint == Constraint.FixedRowCount)
            cellCountY = m_ConstraintCount;

            if (rectChildrenCount > cellCountY)
                cellCountX = rectChildrenCount / cellCountY + (rectChildrenCount % cellCountY > 0 ? 1 : 0);
            if (cellSize.x + spacing.x <= 0)
                cellCountX = int.MaxValue;
                cellCountX = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((width - padding.horizontal + spacing.x + 0.001f) / (cellSize.x + spacing.x)));

            if (cellSize.y + spacing.y <= 0)
                cellCountY = int.MaxValue;
                cellCountY = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((height - padding.vertical + spacing.y + 0.001f) / (cellSize.y + spacing.y)));

        int cornerX = (int)startCorner % 2;
        int cornerY = (int)startCorner / 2;

        int cellsPerMainAxis, actualCellCountX, actualCellCountY;
        if (startAxis == Axis.Horizontal)
            cellsPerMainAxis = cellCountX;
            actualCellCountX = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountX, 1, rectChildrenCount);
            actualCellCountY = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountY, 1, Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildrenCount / (float)cellsPerMainAxis));
            cellsPerMainAxis = cellCountY;
            actualCellCountY = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountY, 1, rectChildrenCount);
            actualCellCountX = Mathf.Clamp(cellCountX, 1, Mathf.CeilToInt(rectChildrenCount / (float)cellsPerMainAxis));
        int lastCellsCount = rectChildrenCount % cellsPerMainAxis;

        Vector2 requiredSpace = new Vector2(
            actualCellCountX * cellSize.x + (actualCellCountX - 1) * spacing.x,
            actualCellCountY * cellSize.y + (actualCellCountY - 1) * spacing.y
        Vector2 startOffset = new Vector2(
            GetStartOffset(0, requiredSpace.x),
            GetStartOffset(1, requiredSpace.y)

        int actualLastCellsCount = lastCellsCount == 0 ? cellsPerMainAxis : lastCellsCount;
        int cellsX = startAxis == Axis.Horizontal ? actualLastCellsCount : actualCellCountX;
        int cellsY = startAxis == Axis.Vertical ? actualLastCellsCount : actualCellCountY;

        Vector2 lastCellsRequiredSpace = new Vector2(
            cellsX * cellSize.x + (cellsX - 1) * spacing.x,
            cellsY * cellSize.y + (cellsY - 1) * spacing.y

        Vector2 lastCellsStartOffset = new Vector2(
            GetStartOffset(0, lastCellsRequiredSpace.x),
            GetStartOffset(1, lastCellsRequiredSpace.y)

        for (int i = 0; i < rectChildrenCount; i++)
            int positionX;
            int positionY;
            Vector2 cellStartOffset = (i + 1 > rectChildrenCount - actualLastCellsCount) ? lastCellsStartOffset : startOffset;

            if (startAxis == Axis.Horizontal)
                positionX = i % cellsPerMainAxis;
                positionY = i / cellsPerMainAxis;
                positionX = i / cellsPerMainAxis;
                positionY = i % cellsPerMainAxis;

            if (cornerX == 1)
                positionX = actualCellCountX - 1 - positionX;
            if (cornerY == 1)
                positionY = actualCellCountY - 1 - positionY;

            SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 0, cellStartOffset.x + (cellSize[0] + spacing[0]) * positionX, cellSize[0]);
            SetChildAlongAxis(rectChildren[i], 1, cellStartOffset.y + (cellSize[1] + spacing[1]) * positionY, cellSize[1]);


이 코드를 쓰다보니, 



-ㅇ-ㅇ-가 아니라



ㅇㅇㅇ 모양도 필요해서 코드를 수정하려헀으나!! 생각보다 쉽게 안 고쳐질 거 같아서,


임시방편으로 Start Corner를 Upper Left -> Lower Left 로 바꾸었다.

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