목차 도움받은 곳 https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/uniform-grid-panel-setup/89025/2 Uniform Grid Panel setup Welcome to the forums. If you want a widget to have a specific size, you can place it on a canvas; in addition, this will allow you to control its position (amongst other things). Here is an example of a *UniformGrid *sitting on the canvas (inside a border forums.unrealengine.com https://dawnarc.com/2018/12/ue4slate-and-native-umgc-notes/ [UE4]Slate and Native UMG(C++) Notes Keywords: UE4, Native UMG, Slate, Common API, Usage, Case dawnarc.com 오늘은 이만 자러감. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WNwo-riV1Y 공유하기 게시글 관리 민규야 개발하자 저작자표시 목차 목차 닫기